One of the most challenging issues to resolve in a divorce proceeding involving minor children is often the amount of child support provided to the custodial parent.
I understand that whether your children live with you or not, you want their needs to be taken care of, but at the same time, you want to feel that you are not being held accountable for more than your fair share. I work hard on your behalf to obtain a child support settlement that ensures a financially secure future for you and your child. Call me today at 682-234-2006 or email me to schedule your free initial consultation and let me answer your questions. Child support will have a long-term effect on you, and you deserve an attorney who will do her best for you.
Child support is usually granted to the “custodial” parent, or the parent who has legal custody of the child, and is paid by the “non-custodial parent,” or the parent with whom the child does not primarily reside.
In Texas, court-ordered child support is calculated according to a formula provided by the state. The calculation includes the income of both parties as well as the number of children you have and the amount of time spent with your children. In certain situations, the court may also consider the children’s special needs or interests, including college education and participation in sports, music, or other instruction. This is not mandatory, however, so you will need an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer if this issue affects you and your children.
I thoroughly review all proposed child support orders for compliance with Texas guidelines. I have the experience everything you are entitled to is properly factored in.
In situations where the parent ordered to pay child support fails to do so according to the requirements outlined in the divorce decree, the parent to whom payments are owed has the right to request enforcement of the divorce decree. I can initiate enforcement measures to collect past-due and regularly scheduled support payments. These methods may include deducting support from the delinquent parent’s earnings, filing liens against his or her property, or even sending the parent to jail until he or she pays up.
When child support is not paid on time and in accordance with Texas child support laws, I am swift and aggressive in enforcing child support payments and can act quickly to help parents get the support that their children are due.
In some cases, the amount of support ordered at the time of divorce becomes an issue because the paying parent is no longer earning the kind of money he or she did when the divorce decree was initially finalized because of the loss of job or economic status. I can request a reduction in the amount of child support that must be paid by a parent who finds that he or she can no longer afford the previously awarded amount. The court can then use Texas legal guidelines for child support payments as they relate to income and can order a reduction accordingly.
Either the custodial or non-custodial parent can formally request a modification, or change to the child support requirements established in the divorce decree, via a formal motion to the court. The court that made the original child support award has the authority to modify the order if conditions changed for one or both parents that affect the original support arrangement. For example, the support payment may be too low, due to promotion or other improvement of economic status of the paying parent, or support is going to a parent with whom the child no longer primarily resides.