I understand how hard and aggravating it is to care for your family when the other parent of your children is falling behind on his or her child support payments. Believe me, I would really like to help you.

It is my goal to aggressively help custodial parents collect past-due child support and to obtain a higher rate of return than the Texas Office of the Attorney General. In addition, the Office of the Attorney General does not usually collect the full amount of interest. Interest can increase the unpaid child support by as much as eight times the original amount.

Call me today at 682-234-2006 or email me to schedule your free initial consultation and let me answer your questions. I want to be an advocate for you and your children.

Collection Capabilities

Texas courts want noncustodial parents to help support their families. Therefore, when they do not, the tools available to collect the unpaid child support or medical support are quite extensive. Tools I will use on your behalf are available to encourage payment or sources of funds to be used for payment include the following:

If you are owed unpaid child support or medical support, you can collect until every penny is paid. Unpaid child support is not a dischargeable debt through bankruptcy, it is not dissolved after a subsequent divorce, and it does not disappear on death. Please call me to discuss your particular circumstances.